


Each month our teachers concentrate on a different theme and gear activities around that theme. Our curriculum repeats every two years so that each child will receive the maximum benefit from each unit without growing tired of the subjects.

(Kindergarten Preparation): Our “Preschool” classrooms work daily on the basic skills necessary for a child to easily adjust to Kindergarten (colors, numbers, shapes, name recognition, etc.) as well as following simple routines, developing fine motor skills (puzzles and cutting), expressing wants and needs in an appropriate manner, and coping with peers in different situations (sharing, working together, and patience). Basic writing skills, math, and science are also part of our curriculum. Children are instructed and assisted based upon individual needs. No child is made to do something or held back because of another child.

We provide a variety of age-appropriate toys and activities that will not only entertain your child, but also offer opportunities to learn additional skills.

When the weather cooperates we will spend time outdoors, ranging from a brief walk when it is fairly cool to an hour or two in the summer.

All children under the age of 5 are required by state law to have a rest time. Children who wake up before the rest will be guided in finding a quiet time activity to engage in that will not disturb any sleeping children.

Our focus is not only on education, but also on respect for one another and respect for property. Our disciplinary measures always begin with a warning. The next step is “time out” (one minute per year of age), then we follow up with a discussion to explain why that behavior was inappropriate. If the behavior continues, we separate the child from the other children with a quiet activity (books, puzzles, etc.). Children are never punished for lapses in toilet training or for accidents (spilled milk, for example). We will always bring out standing issues to your attention, and hope you will reinforce our efforts at home. Our staff is here to support our families in every way possible. Please do not hesitate to ask questions or give suggestions regarding your child’s care.

Young to Older Toddler RATES:

3 hours or less $9.75
Part day $45.00
Daily per day $60.00
Weekly $320.00



Please supply a change of clothes

Sample Menu

Ages 3-5
Breakfast: Whole milk, banana, cereal
Lunch: Chicken salad on enriched white bread, snap peas, fruit cocktail, milk
Snack: Juice, yogurt, Animal Crackers

Typical Daily Schedule for Preschool


9:00-9:10 Transition Upstairs
9:10-9:20 Preparing for Breakfast/Story Time
9:20-9:40 Breakfast
9:40-10:00 Breakfast Clean-Up/Potty
10:00-10:30 Circle Time (colors, numbers, days of the week, etc.)
10:30-11:15 Themed Activities
11:15-11:30 Clean-Up/Potty
11:30-12:00 Gross Motor Skills


12:00-12:15 Lunch Preparation
12:15-1:00 Lunch
1:00-1:25 Lunch Clean-Up/Potty
1:30-3:00 Quiet Time, Nap Time, Movies
3:00-3:10 Clean-Up/Snack Preparation
3:10-3:30 Snack
3:30-4:00 Fine Motor Skills (puzzles, beading, lacing, etc.)
4:00-4:15 Free Choice
4:20-4:50 Gross Motor Skills
4:50-5:00 Close Down (Clean-Up); Transition Downstair